Thursday, December 27, 2012

Be Kind, Please Rewind

He's Wringing in the New Year. He’s the…


Week of December 28, 2012

The Mayans were at least right about human sacrifices. First up…

Resident Evil: Retribution

The annoying thing about fighting malicious pharmaceutical companies is removing the cotton before doing battle.  

Thankfully, the protagonist in this actioner has enough firepower to penetrate the billowy nuisance.

Former Umbrella employee turned mankind’s last hope Alice (Milla Jovovich) awakens in an underwater Umbrella base.

There, her adversary (Shawn Roberts) and his aid (Li Bingbing) request her assistance in overriding the supercomputer that has seized control of a plague Umbrella created.

Forced to fight her mind-controlled friend (Sienna Guillory), Alice must also face her daughter from a computer-generated doomsday scenario.

The fifth entry in the video game based franchise, Retribution picks up after the previous film but is more connected to the original.

With a host of returning characters and somewhat of a storyline, Retribution is payback for those sub par sequels.

However, the best way to destroy a possessed supercomputer is to allow your computer-illiterate parents to check their email.  0

The Words

When plagiarizing someone else’s work it’s important to not reproduce the book’s publication date or the author’s photo on the dust jacket. 

Fortunately, the book thief in this drama only replicated the words.

When Rory (Bradley Cooper), a novice author looking for his big break, stumbles on an unpublished manuscript in an old attaché case he is so enraptured by the prose that he re-types it.

Encouraged by his wife (Zoe Saldana) to submit it, he does and it becomes a huge hit. But when the real author (Jeremy Irons) comes calling, Rory must fess up to his crime.

Elsewhere, a famed author (Dennis Quaid) stages a public reading of his new book about an aspiring writer named Rory.

While the performances are venerable, the book reading reality disrupts from the more involving narrative within the novel.

Furthermore, if you’re ever accused of plagiarizing, just say that you were sampling.   

Premium Rush

Nowadays, the only real difference between bike courier and professional cyclist is the type of illicit drug in their system.

Unfortunately, this action movie isn’t about Lance Armstrong’s career trajectory.

When Nima (Jamie Chung), his ex-girlfriend’s (Dania Ramirez) roommate, hires him to transport an envelope, bike courier Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is perused by a crooked cop (Michael Shannon) indebted to the loan shark that tipped him off about the letter.

Determined to reach his destination, Wilee wheels his way through the perils of an urban venue, staying one-step ahead of the addled officer.   

Later, he learns his cargo is the key to securing Nima’s son safe passage over from China.

Despite its simplistic premises, Premium Rush delivers a surprising about of breakneck thrills, while the snappy dialogue, inventive editing, and winning performances propel it to triumph.

Incidentally, the downside to using bike couriers is receiving your parcels drenched in sweat.  0
***Don’t Kill the Bike Messenger***


The worst part of riding your bike to work is getting your necktie caught in the spokes.

Luckily, the bipedal commuter in this thriller no longer has to wear the potential hazard around his throat.

When hotshot stock-trader Jack (Kevin Bacon) loses millions in a bad deal that he setup, he quits and retreats from the market in disgrace.

To make ends meet, he becomes a bike messenger, delivering vital documents at breakneck speeds through the same traffic congestion he once idled in.

Along the way, her falls for a fellow biker (Jami Gertz) and gets into hot water with an unsavory character (Laurence Fishburne) thanks to his scheming co-worker (Paul Rodriguez).

While it has a rocking soundtrack to accompanying its surprisingly striking bike riding sequences, the bulk of Quicksilver’s story has square wheels that go nowhere.

Incidentally, the second most popular career choice of failed stock-traders is suicide victim.

He's a Revolving Doorman. He's the...




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